Luxury Leather Shoes 
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Luxury Leather Shoes 
Вступил 24.07.2021
О пользователе
We love luxury footwear, but lack of availability and pricetags hovering over us. We were tired of buying shoes at upscaled prices, so we decided to figure out a possible way to make the luxury shoes we wanted to wear at a price everyone would love to wear. Taking the idea, Tan & Taw was born.
We wanted to offer the highest quality of footwear at the most affordable prices so that every shoe lover would never hesitate to own a pair, so we have gathered our research and started an intelligently driven hand-made shoe manufacturing unit. We have a team of experienced artisans with a similar mindset of creating luxury shoes at an affordable price.
We have bypassed the traditional selling concepts, so we cut out all the extra costs that are not even required. No retail rents, no crazy markups, no flashy events, and no celebrity-driven marketing campaigns. Just focusing on the best quality of leather and hand-coloring each pair with unique inspiration from nature. And the best craftsmanship, all sent directly to our customers.
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